Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Memorial Day at Dinosuar Park

We decided to go to Dinosaur Park on Memorial Day. We had no power for 30 hours and needed to get out. I knew Cayden would love it, he is really into dinosaurs.
My sister Amy and her two kids Maisie and Parker came with us.
It was really funny when Maisie stuck her head through the board and couldn't get it out. Sorry Maisie I couldn't help but laugh. I bet it was really scary though.
Kelsey, Chase and Parker
I couldn't find Cayden for a minute and then looked over and saw his tiny face poking through the board.

We had a great time and it was perfect weather.


The.Marcellus.Family said...

I have been wanting to go there so bad...Don't ask why. Yes I am 20 years old and want to go to a Dinosaur park.

I hope your doing good.
:) Your about to pop my friend! Sixteen more days??!?!
I am so excited to see your baby:)

The.Marcellus.Family said...

That four looks like a one!!!
I was like...what she can't be that far along! I was so confused. Thanks for clearing that up with me:)