Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

We went to Jason's dad's house for a Father's Day BBQ. I was surprised that everyone made it. There was only one person missing out of the whole family. We just don't get together that often anymore so it was good to see everyone. His family is starting to get a lot bigger, the older kids (I guess they are young adults now) bring their boyfriends or girlfriends and some of them have kids. It was fun to get together. Jason is such a good father and I love him so much. I seriously don't know what I would do without him.

I got Jason the new Ghost Buster Video game for Father's Day. The kids enjoyed having something to do over the weekend. They are getting so bored. I am hoping for better weather so they can go outside and swim in the pool we bought this year. We put it up about a month ago and they have only been able to swim 2 times because of the weather. I am scared to look under the cover I bet it is nasty under there.

We did get the crib put up this weekend and the baby's room cleaned out. I don't know if I am going to have time to paint the room before she comes. I have been feeling so crappy lately. We were going to take the kids to Jason's brother's cabin this weekend, but they said that it is flooded and you can't use the toilet and the dish washer and the lawn is flooded. So I am kind of glad to have an excuse not to go. The kids were really looking forward to it. But I just didn't know if I could do it. I am worried that the baby is going to come early. Probably just wishful thinking but I have been induced with all my other kids and I am afraid to just go into labor on my own. What do you do? How do you know it is time? Who is going to watch the kids? It seems silly because I have had three other kids, but I have been in a hospital bed surround by nurses every other time from start to finish. It freaks me out to not know when she is coming.

1 comment:

JD and Jalyn said...

I know how you feel. Im already feeling that way! I was started with the others too!