Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bree 10 months Old

It is so much fun having a baby with hair!
Bree started crawling when she was 10 months old. I don't know why my kids were all slow at learning to crawl. Oh well, less mess.

Took some pictures outside. I feel kind of bad because it actually was pretty cold and I made her wear this little summer outfit.

Kelsey's 12th Birthday

It is so hard to believe I have a 12 year old. I am feeling older everytime she gets older. Kelsey is a great girl and does so good in school that I don't have to worry about her.

She got a CD player, shoes, swim suit and other things I can't remember. ( I really should update more often). Her grandma Julander made her a quilt.

Easter 2010

Bree's First Easter
Easter morning

Wow! Snow for Easter!
The kids had fun even though it was pretty cold. The Bear River City Easter Egg Hunt was actually not to bad this year. We usually head into Brigham because my kids always cry that they only get 1 or 2 eggs, but this year they actually got more and were happy.

I love this picture of Kelsey!