Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby Bree's Arrival

Bree Lynette Anderson
Born July 11 2009 at 4:36 a.m.
Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz.
Height: 19 1/2 inches

Friday night I was having contractions. I had called the hospital earlier and they said that what I was feeling was normal and that they would see me Monday. (I was scheduled to go in at 8:oo a.m. to be induced.) I felt better in the afternoon and then that night I was having contractions again. They were about as painful as the ones I had been having the past couple of weeks. I went to bed. Took a pain and sleeping pill and I was out. Then I woke up at 2:00 a.m. and I was having pain and kept needing to go to the bathroom. I think I was walking around like a crazy person. Jason kept saying do you want to go to the hospital. I said no, I just need to go to the bathroom. Finally at 3:45 I said lets go. I was thinking that they would just send me home anyways. So we grabbed our stuff and headed out the door. On the way to the hospital we realized we forgot to wake up Kelsey and tell her we were leaving.

We walked into the emergency room and I took a seat in the waiting area and Jason went to sign me in. There was other people there and I was just crying and was having a hard time sitting. I yelled to Jason around the corner. It seemed like it was taking forever but it was probably only 5 minutes. They came and got me and got me into my room. The nurse checked me and said this baby is coming now. They paged the on call doctor and I had to wait until he got there to push. I was screaming. It was too late to get an epideral. It was so awful. The hospital thought my doctor was out of town so they didn't even call him. It turned out the he was home after all. Anyways 2 push and she was out. The nurses said almost all their 4 am babies come within 20 minutes and that is what happened. It was so crazy. It is all a blur to me. I can't believe someone would choose not to have an epideral. I am glad it is all behind me. She was born on our 12th wedding anniversary. I love you honey.

Bree right after she was born.
Jason was so cute talking to his new daughter.
After delivery
Bree had to be hooked up to monitors for a little while. They wanted to check her lungs because she never cried after she was born. Not even when they gave her her shots andcleaned her up.

Kelsey was so excited to hold her new sister.
Big Brother Cayden
at first Cayden was excited to see his new sister, then he just wanted to leave and then he wanted to hold her. A little mixed emotions i think.
Big brother Chase
Chase wasn't sure if he wanted to hold his new sister. We finally talked him into it so we could take a picture.
My dad sleeping in the chair at the hospital.
He brought my kids to come see the baby and found the chair in the corner and took a nap. I had called him at 5 o clock in the morning telling him I had my baby and asked if he would go stay with my kids. It all happened so fast we didn't even tell them we were leaving.
Jason finally held his daughter that night. He is scared of little babies. He was so cute with her. Too bad he woke up the next day puking his guts out. Now he doesn't dare hold her again.
Mom and daughter


SMILES2ALL said...

She is SO CUTE!!! Your dad came in Sat. morning and told me so I hope it was ok I wrote a little note so everyone would know. CONGRATS!!! she is so cute!! I need to get over and see her in person. I hope you are doing good.

The.Marcellus.Family said...

gall she is adorable congrats

AmyW said...

So cute. I need to come see her again. She has probably grown all ready.