Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

I love days when you can just stay home and get things done around the house. Yesterday I cleaned the house and cleaned my dad's truck for his Birthday, which is today. It took me 4 hours. But it was worth it, I love my Dad he is the best.

Today I hope to get some homework done. I can't believe the semester is almost over. These next couple of weeks are going to be crazy. I hope I make it through it.


Khara Dimick said...

Shanna!!! I was pleasantly surprised to see your comment on my blog!!! I am so glad to be in touch with you again. Did you change your email address- because I tried emailing you awhile back. Email me
I'm so excited!! You look so great!!
We need to catch up!!

Kate said...

I am so glad you started a blog! It is definitely one of the best ways to get to know someone. Check out mine:

Sondra said...

Shanna it is Sondra You can add me to your list to. It is fun to bolg. I will just make a card and send it to those we vist teach and then we can cout it for this month And maybe do better next month.