Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's Been Awhile

I just decided to check up on everybody. I can't believe it has been since Sept 10 since I last posted. Life has been so crazy. Having four kids just keeps me going I am hoping to get back into blogging, it is the only journal I keep. Bree is now 5 months old, it is so sad how fast time goes by. She finally rolled over today. That was pretty exciting. She hates her tummy time I felt like a child abuser putting her on her belly like the doctor said I need to do. She would just scream.

The kids are excited for Christmas. I took Kelsey to buy presents for everybody. She wrapped them last night and this morning Cayden carried his present around. He kept saying it is Christmas I want to open it. I told him it is not Christmas yet. He said yes it is see we have a tree. I told him that just means we are getting ready for Christmas and that it is not Christmas yet. He said look at my present see it says "Cayden is a big boy, it is Christmas he can open his presents". I said no it doesn't it says "Let it Snow". While I was at work he opened it a little bit. I doubt he waits until Christmas. Tomorrow while he is at preschool I am hoping to get all the presents wrapped. But I think I will have to keep them locked up.